Saturday, December 20, 2008

Idealine : Thomas Beller

Mr. Beller's Neighborhood
Thomas Beller

This animated collage is a satellite image of New York City. Each red flag determines a location, as it usually does in google maps, but when clicked provides a narrative pertaining to the flagged location.You can choose which neighborhood you'd like to explore. Each story is submitted to Mr. Beller, who is a writer himself. This is a pretty neat community experiment, and what better city than New York to involve in it.

Idealine : Chiu Kwon Man

Little Red Riding Hood
Chiu Kwon Man

This flash animation consists of scrolling repeating images. In the upper left screen there are navigation buttons which alert you as to when you need to zoom in or zoom out or scroll the image up or down. This interaction puts the viewer in control of the story's emotive qualities, thus making them the visual storyteller. The rendering of the characters was great. The soundtrack is really great, as well. Kind of reminded me of some things I've heard in Young Hae-Chang's animated poetry text.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Idealine : Olia Lialina

Olia Lialina's My Boyfriend Came Back from the War is a narrative of a emotionally troubled relationship told in segmented hypertext.

It is very interesting in that the narrative is navigated freely by the viewer, with no specific instruction. At first they are obvious-- the clickable elements are but a single gif. Then the number of hypertext elements grows branching from one another; with one click you get two choices. It's somewhat overwhelming and confining. It provides an anxiety while deciding what to click next, unsure if it is the right choice,ideal fate. The use of segmented hypertext seems reminiscent of trying to navigate one's own conflicting thoughts while at the same time trying to respond to / accommodate another's thoughts and desire.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Tiffany Holy's
The buttons are cohesive, and the audio compliments the jittery and slight whimsy of the animation. The use of gray scale as opposed to color is an interesting choice which makes the mandala allude to line and drawing that much more.

Ashley Seagle's

Ashley's mandala employs an attractive, kind of psychedelic palette of colors. The audio is thoughtful and well composed.